Thank you for choosing me as your piano teacher! In order to ensure that you or your child get the most effective and creative teaching possible, I have established the following policies.
Make-Up Policy
I do not offer make up lessons. If a student misses a lesson, they will simply miss the benefit of that lesson. Remember that your tuition pays for far more than just lesson time with your child. You can also opt to use the lesson swap system that is in place.
No refunds are given for any reason.
If a student is late to a lesson, the lesson will end at its appointed time. This is done to be courteous to the next scheduled student and to allow the instructor to stay on schedule.
Severe Weather Cancellations
In the event that Hamilton Southeastern School System is closed due to severe weather,
there will be no lessons.
Lesson Recess Policy
Lessons may be suspended on a monthly basis with one week notice to instructor and payment of $40 per student per suspended month. This allows your students spot to be held for them and allows for partial income for the instructor, as the spot cannot be filled while being held for a student.
Withdrawal Policy
Upon the event that a student will be withdrawing from lessons a one month notice, plus payment for that month is required. This enables the instructor to fill the spot without interruption in income or schedule.
Late Payment Fee
Payments are due at the first lesson of the month, a late fee of $25 per week per student
will be charged for late payments